Perak Mufti Department - Achievement of Client Charter for 2018
(until 30th November 2018)

We swear with Allah's will to :

No. Client Charter
Gauging 2018 Achievement: Percentage of Achievement
1. Issuing fatwa to the public, especially those related to current issues completely and clearly. Fatwa Committee Meeting Members have been assigned at least 4 times a year (once in 3 months). 75%
No Meeting.
2. To produce teachers who are qualified, accredited and meet the specifications that have been set. Implement the credential examination for applying candidates once every year. 100%
3. Calculate and verify the application for the qiblat direction of the mosques, suraus and cemeteries. Application for calculating and verifying qiblat direction is processed within 14 working days from date of the application, which applications received feedback within 3 days, and the verification process within the next 11 days.

10 Applications

4. Carry out sightings of the new moon for Ramadan, Shawal and Zul-Hijjah to determine the start of the fasting month and the Eid. Early moon sightings is done a minimum of at least 3 times a year which is for Ramadan, Shawal and Zul-Hijjah. 100%
5. Establish and provide scientific reference materials to the public. Coordinate and produce at least two books / pamphlets to the public every year. None
6. To organize department's program with the community in providing advice on current issues. Implementing the department's programs with the community at least twice a year. 100%

13/11 – Femininity Fiqh Seminar with AF. Ustaz Fauwaz Fadzil Noor

22/11 – Medical Fiqh Seminar 2018

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Perak Mufti Department - Achievement of Client Charter for 2019
(Until 31st January 2019)

We swear with Allah's will to :

No. Client Charter
Gauging 2018 Achievement: Percentage of Achievement
1. Issuing fatwa to the public, especially those related to current issues completely and clearly. Fatwa Committee Meeting Members have been assigned at least 4 times a year (once in 3 months). None
2. To produce teachers who are qualified, accredited and meet the specifications that have been set. Implement the credential examination for applying candidates once every year. None
3. Calculate and verify the application for the qiblat direction of the mosques, suraus and cemeteries. Application for calculating and verifying qiblat direction is processed within 14 working days from date of the application, which applications received feedback within 3 days, and the verification process within the next 11 days.

13 Applications

4. Carry out sightings of the new moon for Ramadan, Shawal and Zul-Hijjah to determine the start of the fasting month and the Eid. Early moon sightings is done a minimum of at least 3 times a year which is for Ramadan, Shawal and Zul-Hijjah.


5. Establish and provide scientific reference materials to the public. Coordinate and produce at least two books / pamphlets to the public every year. None
6. To organize department's program with the community in providing advice on current issues. Implementing the department's programs with the community at least twice a year.

30/1/2019: Prime Talk - Investment and Finance Based on Maqasid Al-Syariah

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