The Perak Mufti Department in collaboration with the Committee of An-Nur Mosque, Batu 8 held a spiritual program called "Jom Beriktikaf" from 7th to 8th July 2015 (the same night of 21 Ramadan 1436),. The program was held at An-Nur Mosque, Batu 8, Ulu Kinta. It aims to encourage the public to fill their Ramadhan nights with ibadah and deliver information directly by officers from the department.
The program started with a tazkirah at 7.00 pm, presented by A.F. Ustaz Kamaruddin Bin Adam, a Fatwa Officer, followed by tahlil and iftar jama'ie. The program continued with the Maghrib Solat, Isha Solat and Tarawikh Solat led by Ustaz Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti. After the Tarawikh Solat, the program continued with another tazkirah by Ustaz Zamri and ended with Tadarus Quran.
The program resumed with qiamullail activities that began with solat sunat tahajud, solat sunat tasbih and zikir munajad that was led by some officers of the department. The program ended after Subuh Solat. We wish every effort and ibadah practice will be blessed by Allah SWT.
Among officials of the Perak Mufti Department who attended were:
1) S.S. Ustaz Zamri bin Hashim
2) A.F. Ustaz Kamaruddin bin Adam
3) A.F. Ustaz Mohammad Khairul Anuar bin Mat Isa
4) A.F. Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam bin Ahmad Tarmizdi
5) Ustaz Mohd. Hafiz bin Baharom
6) Ustaz Mohamad Amri Alhusni bin Mohamad Dasuki
7) Ustaz Azizi bin Ismail
Source: Maktabah Division of Perak Mufti Department.