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Nail Polish And Ablution(Wuduk)
Are ablutions and purifying bath(mandi wajib) valid(sah) if there is nail polish on your nails?
Are ablutions and purifying bath(mandi wajib) valid(sah) if there is nail polish on your nails?
The ulamak of all mazhab agrees that water must reach the human’s body during ablution and shower except for emergencies such as injuries that cannot be exposed to water. Accordingly, they should wet the fingers carefully by moving the ring. Their arguments is the nas that appears in several hadith and the strongest is the hadith Laqid bin Sharah as saying: "I have asked the Prophet SAW: 'Tell me about how to perform the ablution(wuduk).' He replied: 'Complete your ablution(wuduk) and run the water through your fingers and ensure the water reaches into the nose except when you are fasting. "narrated by Ahmad and Sunan Ashabus and ditashihkan by at-Tirmizi.
What can be concluded in this case is, water is required to reach all parts of the body that needs to be cleaned. Surely there is an explanation of this matter in all the 4 mazhab: " All the ulamak fro the 4 mazhab agreed in confirming the validation of ablution(wuduk) there must be nothing that prevents water from reaching the skin such as wax, oil, flour and others like eye discharge or frozen dirt on the body. "This clearly shows that the nail polish has a greasy substances, then it must be removed so that the water reaches the top of the body. In this case, there is no situation that can be analogized between nail colouring and ring in hand Malikiyah.In the book of fiqh of all the four mazhab have mentioned that there is no need to move a tight ring that prevents water from reaching the skin, if the ring is halal. A narrow ring that is haram is wajib to be moved from its position. By using the analogy of nail polish and a tight ring, the ulamak is aying that both are allowed. It is not wajib for them to be removed for the water to reach the skin In addition it is unclear why they differentiate between a halal and haram ring. "There are two important conclusions, namely:
The ulamak of all mazhab agrees that water must reach the human’s body during ablution and shower except for emergencies such as injuries that cannot be exposed to water. Accordingly, they should wet the fingers carefully by moving the ring. Their arguments is the nas that appears in several hadith and the strongest is the hadith Laqid bin Sharah as saying: "I have asked the Prophet SAW: 'Tell me about how to perform the ablution(wuduk).' He replied: 'Complete your ablution(wuduk) and run the water through your fingers and ensure the water reaches into the nose except when you are fasting. "narrated by Ahmad and Sunan Ashabus and ditashihkan by at-Tirmizi.
What can be concluded in this case is, water is required to reach all parts of the body that needs to be cleaned. Surely there is an explanation of this matter in all the 4 mazhab: " All the ulamak fro the 4 mazhab agreed in confirming the validation of ablution(wuduk) there must be nothing that prevents water from reaching the skin such as wax, oil, flour and others like eye discharge or frozen dirt on the body. "This clearly shows that the nail polish has a greasy substances, then it must be removed so that the water reaches the top of the body. In this case, there is no situation that can be analogized between nail colouring and ring in hand Malikiyah.In the book of fiqh of all the four mazhab have mentioned that there is no need to move a tight ring that prevents water from reaching the skin, if the ring is halal. A narrow ring that is haram is wajib to be moved from its position. By using the analogy of nail polish and a tight ring, the ulamak is aying that both are allowed. It is not wajib for them to be removed for the water to reach the skin In addition it is unclear why they differentiate between a halal and haram ring. "There are two important conclusions, namely:
The scholars of the Maliki had said: "When the tight halal ring is removed after completing the wuduk or bath, it is wajib to wash part of the skin that is covered by it."
The scholars of the Maliki had said: "When the tight halal ring is removed after completing the wuduk or bath, it is wajib to wash part of the skin that is covered by it."
Why the analogy between nail polish and the ring between although the two is very much different and not compared to oil, wax and flour though the similarities are greater?The consensus opinion in this case is that ablution(wuduk) and purifying bath(mandi wajib) is not valid(sah) if there is a barrier to the water. In short all four mazhab has said that the nail polish was a hindrance on the ablution and purifying bath to be valid(sah). It must be removed first. If it is used after ablution or bathing then it is valid(sah).
Why the analogy between nail polish and the ring between although the two is very much different and not compared to oil, wax and flour though the similarities are greater?The consensus opinion in this case is that ablution(wuduk) and purifying bath(mandi wajib) is not valid(sah) if there is a barrier to the water. In short all four mazhab has said that the nail polish was a hindrance on the ablution and purifying bath to be valid(sah). It must be removed first. If it is used after ablution or bathing then it is valid(sah).
Hukum on Using Cutex
Is it possible to make Cutex after ablution?
Is it possible to make Cutex after ablution?
There are no barriers for people who want to make Cutex to their nails after ablution. But if the ablution(wuduk) is batal, ablution cannot be performed in view of the Islamic law until the cutex is removed completely because it prevents water from reaching the nails
There are no barriers for people who want to make Cutex to their nails after ablution. But if the ablution(wuduk) is batal, ablution cannot be performed in view of the Islamic law until the cutex is removed completely because it prevents water from reaching the nails
As a conclusion, henna is use by women to beautify themselves. The hukum in using it is harus, sunat and in certain situation it can become makruh. For unmarried women it is harus as long as it does not lead to fitnah, this is according to fuqaha’ of mazhab Syafie. The usage of henna by men is haram except when it is used as medicine. Therefore, the use of henna by mean during aqad and walimah is not in line with the teachings of Islam and it should be stopped. Similarly the issue of hair colouring, it is harus but the dye used must be approved by JAKIM. For married woman, permission from her husband is needed for her to dye her hair. If her husband denied her request, then she should not do it. Wallahu’alam
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