KUALA TERENGGANU, 11 DECEMBER 2017 - The Liqa 'Mahabbah Department of the Northern Zone and Eastern Zone Mufti has ended successfully today. This bi-annual program is an outdoor and indoor sports game competition program involving officials and staff of the northern zone state mufti departments. Terengganu State was chosen as the host for this edition. This time the program has also been extended to the eastern zone of the country which saw the Pahang state participating for the first time. |
There are 6 types of sports games that are held during the 2 days of the program: badminton, futsal, ping pong, congkak, karom and bowling. Also contested is the best contingent parade event. The program opened the curtain on Saturday morning through an opening event that was officially opened by the S.S. Dato 'Dr. Haji Zulkifly Bin Haji Muda, mufti of Terengganu State. He was followed by badminton, ping pong, congkak and carom events that day. The program continues with futsal and bowling events the next day.
The host, the Terengganu State Mufti department, has emerged as the champion by winning 2 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 1 bronze medal. The second place was held by the Mufti Department of Perak by collecting 2 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals. Also participating in the program are the State Mufti Department of Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Kelantan and Pahang. The Perak contingent gold medal is through badminton and congkak, silver medal through male and female bowling sports, while bronze medals are through table tennis and carom. Congratulations to all the winners especially the Perak contingent who have fiercely opposed to the host's contingent! Hopefully we will meet again in 2019.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, November 19, 2017 - The Perak Mufti Department (JMNPk) in collaboration with the Solatiah Mosque, the Setia Baru Meeting held Fatwa Explanation and Issues Program last night. The objective is as an explanation and explanation of the fatwa, the fatwa institution and its role. The program also seeks to examine current issues relating to Muslims in this country and its related laws. |
APanel members for this forum are S.S. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti, and S.F. Dato 'Haji Asad Bin Haji Awang, Member of the Perak State Fatwa Committee. While moderator is S.F. Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Bin Adam, Principal Assistant Mufti. Among the issues discussed is the issue of the unity of Muslims in this country, the issue of the deviant faith and the legal issues that cover Islamic religious affairs. The program has received considerable attention from about 200 attendees. It is hoped that such programs can be further organized at mosques in Perak.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
TANJUNG MALIM, 25 OCTOBER 2017 - The Perak Mufti Department (JMNPk) in collaboration with the National Institute of Land and Survey (INSTUN) and the Muallim District Religious Administration Office has successfully organized the Qiblat Direction Determination Course yesterday. It was held at the INSTUN Auditorium and managed by the JMNPk Falak Division and the INSTUN Survey and Mapping Division. The objective of the course is to provide exposure and improve understanding of course participants on the theory and method of determination of direction of the Qiblah. |
The speaker selected by the organizer is A.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani, Officers from the Mufti Department of Perak. This course was attended by 100 participants from Muallim district consisting of Mosque Peoples, Kariah Committees, school teachers, officers and staff of government departments or agencies, students of public institutions of higher learning and the general public. This course has received encouraging attention and support from participants as well as enhancing their knowledge. It is hoped that such courses can be further organized in the future.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
LUMUT, 23 SEPTEMBER 2017- Mufti of Perak Darul Ridzuan, S.S. Tan Sri Dato 'Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria received the Tokoh Ar-Ridzuan award in conjunction with the Perak Maal Hijrah 1439H / 2017M Celebration at Dewan Shariff, Pangkalan TLDM Lumut yesterday.
The selection of Tan Sri Harussani, 78, as the recipient of this award is based on his great contribution to Islamic development in the state of Perak.
Tan Sri considers this grace as a test of God to see the extent of his faith as a true Muslim, whether to be boasted or vice versa. He asserted that he would continue to adhere to the principle of saying true even bitter. "I stick to the principle of saying true even though bitter and this thing I use to reprimand leaders to make sure the country's administration goes smoothly."
"Tell the truth even if it's bitter because the true god will help. Give the truth to the fact that this country can be developed as a superior Islamic state," he said. Tan Sri received RM10,000 cash, umrah packages, medals, certificates, plaques and accompanist gifts.
Also awards were former state Syariah Chief Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf. He has received the Tokoh Maal Hijrah award for his contributions and services in Islamic jurisprudence in the State of Perak.
All awards at the Maal Hijrah 1439H / 2017M Celebration were presented by His Majesty the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah. |
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, 6 SEPTEMBER 2017 - A Perak State Archives Briefing on Destruction of Accounting and Accounting Record Perak State Mufti was successfully held yesterday. It is located in the Department Meeting Room. The briefing is aimed at providing explanations on the revocation of financial vouchers to officers and staff from the Administration and Finance Division. |
The accusation was presented by Ms Shahida, a special officer invited from the Perak State Archives. Officers and employees of the department who are directly involved are Department of Records Officer, Ms. Rafidah Binti Mohamed Daud and Vice Records Department, Mr. Azizi Bin Ismail.
Among the other staff involved are Pn. Salmah Binti Mohd. Jidi, En. Ahmad Faiz Bin Abdul Latiff, Pn. Mahanom Binti Mior Arbi and Pn. Mariam Binti Mohamed Abdullah. The briefing begins at 3.00 pm and ends around 4.30 pm. |
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
On 7-8 hb August 2017M equals 15 Zulkaedah 1438H (Monday-Tuesday), the Partial Lunar Eclipse will occur. It happens parallel to the time the Moon is in the Full Moon phase when in position Istiqbal. This eclipse can be seen entirely from Malaysia, especially in the state of Perak. During this eclipse this time, we will find that the light of the moon which is supposed to be bright will look as dimly as if covered with clouds. However, at the height of the eclipse, the moon will look darker on the south side of the Moon's surface as if covered with thick clouds. At that moment the effect of eclipse will be more easily identified. Even in the whole eclipse, we will be able to see the eclipse well because at that point the Moon is high above the horizon.
Based on the data already reviewed, the Lunar Eclipse is expected to occur from 11:50 pm on the night of 7th August. But at the beginning of this eclipse, eclipse effects are difficult to see as the New Moon enters the darkening penumbra shadow. Only at 1:23 am to 3:18 am on the morning of 8th August, then the effect of eclipse will be more visible after the Moon enters the dark Umbra shadow. Dark eclipse effects will be most obvious at 2:20 am. After that the eclipse is still happening, only the eclipse will disappear when it enters the penumbra phase. The eclipse will end at 4:51 am.
The entire duration of this eclipse will take 5 hours 0 m 53 seconds taking into account the Moon passes through the Penumbra and Umbra shadows. But the obvious effect of the eclipse on the Umbra shadow is only 1 hour 55 minutes 14 seconds.
So based on the above information, all Muslims in particular in the state of Perak are advised to perform the prayer of the lunar eclipse. Recommended time is from 1:23 am to 3:18 am on the morning of 8th August. In addition to carrying out eclipse observations, Muslims are advised to increase zikir, tasbih, tahmid and takbir. This is because the eclipse is the evidence of the greatness of Allah S.W.T which should be accompanied by a sense of admiration and slavery to the Greatness of Allah S.W.T. May God S.W.T simplify our affairs to observe the lunar eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse to perform prayers.
Summary of Prayer Times of the Lunar Eclipse
Start Time
15 Zulkaedah 1438 H /
8 August 2017M
1:23 am
3:18 am
Download the Eclipse Sermon HERE
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
SUNGKAI, 21 JULY 2017 - The Perak Menteri Besar's residence program continues again and this time it is held in the Muallim District. Through the portfolio of Chairman of the Islamic Religious Committee, Islamic Education and Shasiah Development, YB Dato 'Drs. Mohd Nizar Bin Zakaria held the Mahabbah Eidul Fitri Carnival of the Chief Minister of Perak with the Religious Institution and FELDA Citizens in the Tanjung Malim parliament yesterday in conjunction with this settlement program.
This time the Mosque Saidina Othman Ibnu Affan, Felda Mount Besout 3 was chosen as the location. There are various service counters and exhibitions provided by agencies involved such as the Perak Mufti Department (JMNPk), the Perak Islamic Religious Council (MAIPk), the Perak Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSMPk), and some parts of the Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk ). In addition, Dr. Clinic Zambry is also open to serve FELDA residents.
At 11.00 am, YAB Dato' Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir, the Menteri Besar of Perak was invited to meet with JAIPk cadres and FELDA residents. It is followed by the delivery of allowances to the chairman and mosque officials and the consolation of the pilgrims of the settlers, officers and school teachers at FELDA Besout 3. The program ends with the People's Feast, a banquet at around 12.00 noon.
In the afternoon, there are futsal and badminton friendly sports between the religious institutions of Perak and the surrounding people. It was held at SMKA Slim River, aimed at strengthening the relationship between the staff and the public. The Perak Mufti Department has emerged as champion in the badminton event and won the runner-up in the futsal event.
The pemukiman program of the Perak Menteri Besar who was subsequently scheduled to be held in Batang Padang District in September and in Manjung District in October.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
SEGARI, 26 JUN 2017 – Program Majlis Rukyah Hilal Syawal 1438H bersamaan 2017M telah berjaya diadakan pada hari Sabtu yang lalu. Program ini merupakan program tahunan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak bertujuan membuat penetapan tarikh Hari Raya Aidilfitri, iaitu pada 1 Syawal setiap tahun Hijri. Ia diadakan di Baitul Hilal, Pantai Pasir Panjang, Mukim Pengkalan Bharu, Segari bermula jam 5.30 petang.
Program ini buat julung-julung kalinya telah dihadiri oleh YB. Dato’ Seri Abdul Puhat bin Mat Nayan, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan. Antara tetamu kehormat yang turut hadir ialah Y.A.A. Dato’ Haji Asa’ari Bin Haji Mohd Yazid, Ketua Hakim Syarie, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Perak, Y.D.H. Toh Seri Bijaya Lt. Kol (B) Dato’ Shaharudin Bin Haji Nazari, Orang Besar Jajahan Manjung, Orang-orang Besar Jajahan Negeri Perak serta Ketua-ketua Jabatan sekitar daerah Manjung.
Program bermula dengan Majlis Bacaan Tahlil selepas solat Asar, diikuti dengan Taklimat Kedudukan Hilal Syawal yang disampaikan oleh S.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani, Pegawai Falak, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak. Selepas itu program diteruskan dengan aktiviti rukyah hilal iaitu melihat anak bulan dengan menggunakan peralatan yang disediakan. Ia bermula sekitar jam 6.45 petang. Tetamu-tetamu kehormat serta hampir 300 orang awam yang hadir berpeluang menggunakan peralatan-peralatan tersebut.
Pada jam 7.48 malam, S.S. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Timbalan Mufti Negeri Perak mengumumkan bahawa anak bulan atau hilal Syawal telah tidak kelihatan di Pantai Pasir Panjang, Mukim Pengkalan Bharu. Ianya berpunca dari faktor awan yang tebal. Program diakhiri dengan jamuan makan malam selepas solat Maghrib.
Laporan Rukyah Hilal Syawal Bagi Tahun 1438H / 2017M
Tarikh : 29 Ramadan 1438H / 24 Jun 2017M (SABTU)
Masa : 5.30 Petang
Tempat : Baitul Hilal, Pantai Pasir Panjang, Segari.
Kehadiran Jemputan: Hampir 300 orang hadir.
YB. Dato’ Seri Abdul Puhat bin Mat Nayan, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan. Ketua Hakim Syariah Negeri Perak Orang-Orang Besar Jajahan, Ketua-Ketua Jabatan Daerah Manjung serta wakil Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Majlis Rukyah Hilal Syawal Pegawai-Pegawai Agama dan orang awam. Majlis bermula 5.30 ptg hingga 8.30 mlm.
5.30 ptg : Ketibaan para tetamu
5.45 ptg : Ketibaan Dif-dif jemputan
: Tahlil
: Taklimat Kedudukan Hilal Syawal Oleh:
Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam, Bahagian Falak, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.
6.45 ptg : Aktiviti Rukyah Dimulakan
: Pengumuman Kenampakan Hilal Oleh:
S.S. Tuan Hj. Zamri b. Hashim. Timbalan Mufti Negeri Perak
: Solat Maghrib
: Makan Malam
: Majlis Bersurai Pada jam 6.45 petang, sesi cerapan Hilal Syawal dimulakan.
Pengumuman kenampakan hilal di Pantai Pasir Panjang, Mukim Pengkalan Bharu telah diumumkan oleh S.S Tuan Hj. Zamri bin Hashim, Timbalan Mufti Negeri Perak setelah hilal terbenam pada jam 7.48 mlm.
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK
IPOH, 22 JUN 2017 – Perhimpunan bulanan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah berjaya diadakan buat kali ke-5 pada tahun ini. Ianya melibatkan semua pegawai dan kakitangan jabatan seramai 29 orang termasuk ketua jabatan iaitu S.S. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria. Turut terlibat ialah seorang pelajar latihan industri dari Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA).
Perhimpunan kali ini diadakan di Bilik Persidangan Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Perak (MAIAMP) kerana faktor bulan puasa. Seperti biasa perhimpuanan bermula dengan nyanyian lagu Negaraku dan alunan nasyid Asma’ Al-Husna. Bagi memberkati majlis, A.F. Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam telah dijemput bagi memimpin bacaan doa. Ia diikuti dengan Tausiyyah yang disampaikan oleh S.S. Tan Sri Mufti.
Sempena dengan bulan Ramadan, S.S. Tan Sri Mufti memilih untuk berbicara berkaitan dengan nikmat-nikmat yang Allah telah kurniakan kepada hamba-hambaNya dan menasihatkan semua agar bermuhasabah dengan kekurangan dan kelemahan diri dalam menzahirkan kesyukuran atas segala nikmat-nikamtNya.
Perhimpunan kali ini merupakan yang terakhir buat Penolong Pegawai Tadbir, Pn. Norizah Binti Mohamad Nordin yang akan bertukar disebabkan kenaikan pangkat. Beliau telah dijemput memberikan ucapan perpisahan dan menerima cenderamata kenangan dari jabatan. Sebelum bersurai, turut diadakan sesi perkenalan dengan pelajar latihan industri serta penyerahan sumbangan Aidilfitri oleh Kelab Kebajikan dan Sukan jabatan kepada semua pegawai dan kakitangan.
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK