KENYATAAN RASMI S.S. TAN SRI DATO’ SERI (DR.) HAJI HARUSSANI BIN HAJI ZAKARIA, MUFTI NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN berkenaan penganjuran International Syahadah Conference 2017 dan Majlis Sambutan Nuzul Quran dan Majlis Berbuka Puasa Ramadhan 1438H sempena Mesyuarat Mingguan World Syahadah Council.
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Here are the papers principle of Sufism Shaykh al-Junaid al-Baghdadi to be presented in the program Rukyah Hilal Ramadan 1438H on May 26, 2017 (Friday), organized by the Perak Mufti Department:
The principles Sufism Shaykh al-Junaid al-Baghdadi (PDF)
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GERIK, MAY, 19 - Perak Mufti Department has been successful in continuing annual program of Executive Talk Perak Mufti Department this year. The program was successfully held yesterday. At this time Gerik has been chosen as the location for the program. It was held at Gerik District Hall in collaboration with the Gerik District Islamic Religious Office.
The presence of this program is to reach a total of 350 people with participation by teachers credentials teach Islam, Islamic Education (GPI) Hulu Perak District, priests and Mosque Committee Hulu Perak District, the leaders and heads and representatives of government departments around Gerik. Also present were Hulu Perak Orang Besar District, Hulu Perak District Officer and Administrative Officer Religion Gerik District. |
Perak Mufti S.S. Tan Sri Dato 'Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria has giving tausiah and has provided advice to all those present, followed by a talk by S.F. Tuan Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak, entitled 'Facing the Issue of Religious Strife'. Among the highlights are emphasized in the talks were the duties and responsibilities of individuals, the nature of the dispute, the dispute on the issue of religion, manners in dispute and the need to authoritative.
After the talk, question and answer session was held. Some of the attendees has submitted questions to the Mufti and Deputy Mufti. A highlight is the question of the applicable instructions for performing prayers tarawikh of 20 rak'ahs and the prohibition of tazkirah before and between prayers tarawikh to mosques and surau in the state of Perak. The program ended at around 1.00 pm.
Source: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK
IPOH, 15 MEI 2017 – Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah berjaya mengadakan Perhimpunan Bulanan bagi pegawai dan kakitangan jabatan buat kali ketiga pada tahun ini pagi tadi. Perhimpunan ini dihadiri oleh YABhg. S.S. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria selaku Ketua Jabatan bersama 23 orang pegawai dan kakitangan jabatan serta 2 orang pelajar yang sedang menjalani latihan industri di jabatan ini.
Perhimpunan dimulakan dengan bacaan Al-Fatihah, diikuti nyanyian lagu Negaraku dan alunan nasyid Asma’ al-Husna. Bacaan doa dipimpin oleh A.F. Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam Bin Ahmad Tarmizdi sebelum tausiyah yang disampaikan oleh S.S. Tan Sri Mufti. Selesai tausiyah, Ketua Pembantu Tadbir, Tuan Haji Roslan Bin Borhan dijemput bagi menyampaikan taklimat aktiviti bahagian dan jabatan bagi Bulan Mei 2017.
Antara aktiviti dan program utama jabatan yang akan diadakan pada bulan ini ialah Executive Talk Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak Bil/1/2017 di Gerik, Kaunter Khidmat Pelanggan dan Pameran Karnival Mahabbah Institusi Agama sempena Program Pemukiman YAB Menteri Besar Perak di Daerah Kuala Kangsar, dan Majlis Rukyah Hilal Ramadhan bagi tahun 1438H / 2017M.
Pada perhimpunan kali ini, tausiyah S.S. Tan Sri Mufti menekankan beberapa perkara berkaitan prestasi serta kecemerlangan pegawai dan kakitangan penjawat awam yang menjadi aset dan memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga imej sesuatu jabatan atau agensi kerajaan. Beliau turut mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada 3 orang pegawai dan kakitangan yang telah menerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) peringkat jabatan bagi tahun 2017.
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK
SEGARI, 28th APRIL 2017 – Falak Division, Perak Mufti Department has successfully organized the A workshop and Hilal Observation Sha'ban 1438H / 2017M. The program, located at the Baitul Hilal started at 4pm. It aims to expose students to the science of astronomy and its application in places of worship as well as generate interest among students to explore the science of astronomy at least at the level of religion. |
Participants are members of Falak Club of religious high schools Perak them Izzuddin Shah School, Sekolah Raja Perempuan Ta'ayah and Dr. King's School Nazrin Shah, Kampung Gajah. Also attending as a participant Member Masjid An-Nasriyah, Setiawan and students from Maktab Rendah Sains MARA, Sungkai.
The program began with Hilal Observation workshop sessions run by A.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani, Senior Falak, the Mufti of Perak, followed by a session Hilal Observation managed by officers and staff of Falak Divison. The program ended after Maghrib and dinner around 9.00pm. Hopefully this program will receive a reward of goodness by Allah SWT.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, 1 MEI 2017 – Peperiksaan Tauliah Mengajar Agama Negeri Perak bagi tahun 2017 telah berakhir semalam. Peperiksaan secara bertulis ini telah diadakan selama dua hari bermula hari Sabtu. Ia merupakan anjuran Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak (MAIAMP) dengan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak sebagai urusetia peperiksaan.
Lokasi peperiksaan bagi calon baru masih dikekalkan seperti tahun lalu iaitu Dewan Al-Ghazali, Tingkat 2, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan. Bagi calon mengulang pula, peperiksaan pada tahun ini diadakan di Bilik Kuliah Al-Ghazali, Masjid Sultan Idris Shah II (Masjid Negeri). Ketua Pengawas yang telah dilantik bagi peperiksaan tahun ini ialah A.F. Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Bin Adam dan A.F. Ustaz Mohammad Khairul Anuar bin Mat Isa. 12 orang pengawas juga telah dilantik dari kalangan pegawai-pegawai Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.
Sebelum bermula peperiksaan, Ketua Pengawas telah membacakan peraturan peperiksaan kepada semua calon. Sebanyak 4 peperiksaan diadakan pada hari pertama iaitu bagi subjek Hadith, Fiqh, Tauhid dan Tafsir, manakala 3 lagi peperiksaan bagi subjek Tasawuf, Sirah dan Aliran Pemikiran Semasa diadakan pada hari kedua. Seramai 230 calon baru telah hadir untuk menduduki peperiksaan ini. Subjek Tasawuf mencatatkan calon mengulang yang paling ramai iaitu seramai 71 orang.
Peperiksaan ini berakhir pada pukul 3.30 petang hari Ahad. Calon yang telah lulus peperiksaan bertulis ini akan dipanggil kemudian untuk sesi temuduga lisan bagi menentukan kelayakan mereka sebagai Guru Agama Tauliah Negeri Perak.
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK
SUNGAI PETANI, April 24, 2017 - Administration and Finance Department of the State of Perak Mufti collaboration with INTAN Northern Regional Campus (INTURA) has organized courses Work Procedure Manual (MPK) and Desk File. The course was held at the Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) Sungai Petani for three days and ended yesterday. All officers and staff of the Mufti of Perak involved as participants in the course. |
This course aims to make updates and improvements to the MPK office desk and files of all officers and employees of the department. It is to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of quality improvement functions and duties of the department to the customer. Facilitator who is responsible for the course is Mr. Sahrul Nizam Bin Jaafar, Assistant Consultant Training, Service Delivery Unit, INTURA.
505/5000 During this course he presented the title of content preparation, documentation, methods of preparation, and audit and file MPK and Desk File. The goal of this course is achieved by increasing the function or department within the MPK's task list. File desk officers and staff can now be updated based on the latest MPK department. The course ended successfully and is expected to give motivation and encouragement to all officers and employees to continue to provide excellent service.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, 17 APRIL 2017 – Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah mengadakan Majlis Anugerah Tauliah Mengajar Agama Negeri Perak bagi tahun 2017 semalam. Majlis yang diadakan secara tahunan ini telah diadakan dengan jayanya di Dewan Al-Ghazali, Tingkat 2, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan bermula pukul 8.00 pagi sehingga 12.00 tengah hari.
Seramai 81 orang yang telah berjaya dalam peperiksaan bertulis dan temuduga lisan tahun lalu telah dijemput bagi menerima watikah tauliah pada majlis kali ini. Watikah tauliah telah ditandatangani dan disampaikan sendiri oleh Yang Dipertua (YDP) Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak (MAIAMP), YABhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid Bin Mohd Nordin. |
Turut hadir ke majlis ini ialah YABhg. S.S. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria, Mufti Negeri Perak, YBhg. S.F. Dato’ Haji Mohd Yusop Bin Haji Husin, Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIPk) dan S.F. Tuan Haji Asad Bin Awang Ahli Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak, serta Ketua-ketua Penolong Pengarah JAIPk. Majlis turut dimeriahkan dengan kehadiran ahli keluarga bagi para penerima watikah.
Sebelum penyampaian watikah, S.S. Tan Sri Mufti Perak dan YDP MAIAMP telah memberikan tausiyah dan ucapan nasihat kepada semua tetamu terutamanya para penerima watikah. Majlis berakhir sekitar jam 11.00 pagi dengan sesi fotografi diadakan bagi para penerima watikah tauliah, diikuti jamuan makan tengah hari.
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK
IPOH, April 4, 2017 - The monthly meeting of the Perak State Mufti Department has been successfully held for the second time this year. The presence of S. S. Tan Sri Dato 'Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria, the mufti of Perak, which previously could not be present at the last meeting, this time enliven the meeting. At 9.00 am all employees including industrial training students lined up facing Tan Sri Mufti and sang the national anthem and nasyid Asmaul-Husna. Next, Tan Sri Mufti invited to deliver tausiyyah and advice to all employees of the department. |
Among his mandate emphasized is the need for us as Muslims to deal with and challenge the beliefs of many. Recent issues related to individuals who pose the theory that God exists through vibration, and issue some national politicians who want to amend the Act 164 - the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976, which if successful will result in amended; if the event of a divorce; - a child of their marriage can not be registered as a religion if not obtained the consent of both parties, it is subject to the wishes of the child when he has reached the age of eight years.
Completed tausiyyah, emcee invited Assistant Administrative Officer, Mrs. Norizah Binti Mohamad Nordin to deliver a briefing on the activities and programs of the department during the month of April. Among the important programs and activities that will be held in this month is teach Commissioned Religious Ceremony Perak on April 15, Workshop Manual Work Procedures and Desk File on April 21 to 23, and Examination Commission on 29-30 April. This monthly meeting ended with lunch at about 11.00 am.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.