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tb TASIK BANDING, 7-8 September 2019 - The Team Building Training Program runs for two days from September 7-8, 2019. This program is an annual program and for the first time in Perak Mufti Department aims to foster better relationships between staff and department officials. It was held at the Royal Belum, Tasik Banding.

The program is run by two facilitators from Aro Communications Madam Haryanni binti Abdul Razak bin Harun and Osman. The program began with prayers at 12.30 pm by Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam bin Ahmad Tarmizdi. It was followed by a welcoming speech of SS Haji Zamri bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak and introductory sessions with the facilitator before the program continued with a banquet tengahri. The program continues with group activities organized by the facilitators. After Asr prayer, the activities continued with a visit to Kampung Orang Asli at 5.00pm. About 25 officers and staff to take a boat to the Kampung Orang Asli, which took in 20 minutes from the Boathouse. This provides an opportunity for employees of the department to recognize indigenous ways of life around the lake. In the evening, there was a prayer of the Maghrib congregation and a Maghrib Lecture by SS Tuan Haji Zamri bin Hashim.

The next day, the morning prayer in congregation and attended college at dawn by Ustaz Norhafizi b. Ahmad Rais, Assistant Fatwa Officer of the Perak State Mufti Department. Afterwards, continue with group activities on the Boat House, heading to the area for Jungle Tracking. At 10:30, arrive at Royal Belum State Park for Jungle Tracking. The activity takes about 30 minutes to reach the destination. Staff and officers relax by the river before heading back to the Boat House. This gives the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent Royal Belum. At 3.00pm, closing activity was held over the Boat House while returning to the pier heading back to Ipoh.

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Source: Administration Division, Perak Mufti Department.

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