IPOH - JANUARY 30, 2020 - 5 Dec Dec 1431H: The program is held at the Religious School of Izuddin Shah Ipoh and a total of 134 award recipients have attended the event. The presentation ceremony of the Perak religion teaching religion will be held in recognition of the recipients and as a symbol of trust to those who convey authentic knowledge and in accordance with Islamic law. |
It also adheres to religious demands and upholds the command of Allah Almighty to impart knowledge. The program was also attended by Tan Sri Dato 'Sri (Dr) Hj Harussani Bin Hj Zakaria, Perak State Mufti along with how many special guests. The ceremony was also officiated by Special Charity presented by the Blessed Sohibus Samahah Datuk Sheikh Muhamad Baderudin Bin Haji Ahmad Former Mufti of Kedah Darul Aman. The highlight of the event was the presentation of a religious teaching by Tan Sri Dato 'Sri (Dr) Hj Harussani Bin Hj Zakaria, Perak State Mufti.
Source: Fatwa Department, Perak Mufti Department.