SEGARI, April 8, 2016-Falak Division of the Perak Mufti Department,has been visited by the students fromSek. Men. Tahfiz Islam Al-Amin, ChenderongBalai,TelukIntanandSekolah Maahad Al-Yahyawiyah,PadangRengas,KualaKangsarto participate in the observation session of the new moonof Rejab1437H in Baitulhilal,PasirPanjang,Segari.
The program commenced witha briefingregarding determination the beginning oftheHijri and Hilaldelivered byUstazMohamad Faizal Officer of Falak Division, Perak Mufti Department. The briefing session wasto give an opportunities for students and accompanying teacherslearnabout themethodsorproceduresfor determiningthe beginning ofHijri.Question and answering sessionalsobeenreceived veryencouraging.In fact, students are alsogiven the opportunity tousespecial equipmentduring thesighting of the Hilal.
"We have broughtsomeequipmentsuch asOrion Telescope, camera, NEX-3N, CelestronC90 Telescope, Topcontheodolite and Topcon Totalstation. In addition, we have the cooperation ofan officerfromthe National Instituteof Land andSurvey (INSTUN), Mr. Mahruzzaman b Misranwhichalso broughtsomeequipmenttothis Hilal observation session, "saidUstazahFatimahbtAyoub Assistant Officer ofFalak Division.
Observationsessionbeginsat 7.00pmwitha relativelysunnyweatheranda bit cloudy.However,when the sunbegan toset,the cloudshadobscured the sun. Nevertheless, students and teachersare very excitedto have the opportunityto usethe equipmentthat have beenprovided.All attendeeshadthe opportunity to seethe moonof Rejabwhichis starting to lookat 7:42 pmatthe8°28'13''and theazimuthof 278 ° 47' 26''by usinga 120mmOrionTelescopeandCelestronC90 Telescope.
AfterMaghrib, the program continuedwith a sessionof sky observationswith a telescope.The studentsandteachersonce againhave the opportunity tosee the natural beautyof Allah's creationwhen theJupiter planetare visibleinthe skytoward the east."We are very excitedandhope thiskind ofactivitieswillbeheld to promote astronomyamong the community,"said one of theteachers.
The activities were attended by approximately50 studentsandaccompanying teachersended at10.00 pmandtheyare very satisfiedwiththis Hilal observation session.
Hilal observation sessionwith OfficersandStudents
Hilal of Rejab 1437H recorded at 7:54 pm.
Some ofstudents and teachers who attended thisobservation program.
Source: Maktabah Division of Perak Mufti Department.