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Penjelasan Fatwa PARIT BUNTAR, 24th JULY 2016 – Perak Mufti Department in collaboration with the officials of the Islamic Religious Administration District had organized a Fatwa and Refining of Aqidah Explanation program. It aims to give an explanation of fatwas related to aberrant beliefs and applying the correct Aqeedah to the public. This program is in series that is held once per month in the districts around the state. The first series was held at Masjid Ar-Ridhuan, Parit Buntar, from 8 to 9 pm.
Speaker who have been at this time is Prof. Dr. Jamil Bin Hashim who is a member of the Perak Fatwa Committee. In the talk, he explained in detail the fatwas related to aberrant beliefs that have been gazetted in the Government Gazette in Perak like Shiah, Wahabiah, Ayah Pin and Ibrahim Mat Zin. He also pointed out the importance of maintaining the correct Aqeedah namely Aqeedah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah as a bastion of Islam from any threat. The program was also attended by the Religious Administrative Officer, from the Administration of Islamic Office at Parit Buntar, A.F. Tuan Haji Khairul Nizam Bin Mat Nor. Talks ended at 9pm. The crowd disperse after the Isha prayers.
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