KUALA KANGSAR, September 30, 2016 - The Perak Programme of Fatwa Explanation and Aqidah Refining 2016, was organized by Perak Mufti Department and The office of Perak Islamic Religious - district of Kuala Kangsar and has run smoothly. This is the third series since the program began in July. It aims to give an explanation of fatwas related aberrant beliefs and impose beliefs genuine of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah to the public. Ridzwaniah mosque was selected as the location program of Kuala Kangsar District. |
The guest speaker at this time is SF Suaidi Bin Tuan Guru Haji Din, a retired teacher and is now a Mudir of dormitory Orphans Maahad Darul Salam. He also was a member of the Perak Fatwa Committee. In this lecture he recounted the history of the coming of Islam to Malaya brought about by the scholars with the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Talks ended at approximately 9.45 pm and was followed by refreshments after completed congregation isya' prayers. |
Source: Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.