Hits : 1570
Examination Date : 23/4/2016 until 24/4/2016 ( Saturday and Sunday ).
Location : Dewan Al-Ghazali, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan, Ipoh Perak.
Purpose: The procedure for obtaining a Perak Islamic Religious Teach certificate.
Location : Dewan Al-Ghazali, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan, Ipoh Perak.
Purpose: The procedure for obtaining a Perak Islamic Religious Teach certificate.
Frequency: 1 time per year.
Number of subjects:
1. Tafseer
2. Hadith
3. Tawheed
4. Fiqh
5. Tasawwuf
6. History of Islam
7. Tasawwur Islam
Number of subjects:
1. Tafseer
2. Hadith
3. Tawheed
4. Fiqh
5. Tasawwuf
6. History of Islam
7. Tasawwur Islam
Location Dewan Al-Ghazali, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan, Ipoh Perak.