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Program ICT: Latihan Pengguna Mygovuc 2.0 Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak

1 IPOH, 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 - Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah menganjurkan program Latihan Pengguna MyGovUC 2.0 di Digital Hub Perak, Meru Raya Ipoh, Perak. Program Latihan Pengguna MyGovUC 2.0 yang diadakan bertujuan untuk memberikan latihan kepada pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem MyGovUC 2.0. Latihan ini diadakan untuk memastikan pengguna dapat menguasai sistem dengan baik dan memaksimalkan kegunaannya. Penceramah jemputan pada program ini adalah Mohd Fadhilizwandie Bin Sulong, yang merupakan pengurus projek MyGovUC Change Management di PERNEC Integrated Network SDB BHD (MyGovUCProject).

MyGovUC 2.0 adalah perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh MAMPU. Perkhidmatan ini terbuka kepada semua agensi kerajaan di Malaysia. MyGovUC 2.0 adalah Perkhidmatan Komunikasi dan Kolaboratif Bersepadu yang diuruskan secara berpusat di MAMPU. Perkhidmatan ini menggabungkan saluran-saluran komunikasi seperti e-mel, persidangan video/audio, chat dan Sistem Pengurusan Profil Pengguna (UPMS). Kelebihan menggunakan perkhidmatan ini termasuklah:

1)Kemudahan akses: MyGovUC 2.0 boleh diakses melalui pelbagai peranti seperti desktop, laptop, dan telefon bimbit
2)Pelbagai saluran komunikasi: MyGovUC 2.0 menyediakan pelbagai saluran komunikasi seperti e-mel, persidangan dalam talian, perbualan secara berkumpulan, penghantaran fail bersaiz besar dan lain-lain lagi
3)Keselamatan: MyGovUC 2.0 dilaksanakan secara managed services oleh pembekal perkhidmatan dan berada dalam rangkaian kerajaan yang selamat
4)Penjimatan kos: MyGovUC 2.0 dilaksanakan sebagai langkah penjimatan kos bagi memastikan perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kolaboratif kerajaan diuruskan secara berpusat untuk kegunaan semua agensi di sektor awam.
Program ini berakhir pada jam 5 petang.

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Bahagian Maktabah, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.

Program Lawatan Kerja Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak ke Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan

1 NEGERI SEMBILAN, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 - Program Lawatan Kerja Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak ke Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan bagi membincangkan Enakmen Tariqat & Pelaksanaannya oleh Ketua Bahagian Tariqat Tasauwuf, AL Fadhil Ustaz Syaiful Nizam Bin Mohd Jan.

AL Fadhil Ustaz Syaiful Nizam menerangkan fungsi Bahagian Tariqat tasauwuf dalam menguruskan pendaftaran dan perakuan tariqat-tariqat di seluruh kawasan Negeri Sembilan. Bahagian Tariqat Tasauwuf JMKN NS juga menubuhkan anggota jilsah al turuq as sufiyyah yang terdiri daripada 5 orang pengkaji dan pengamal dalam membantu gerak kerja bahagian Tariqat & Tasauwuf JMKN NS. Perbincangan turut berkisar mengenai isu pemberhentian operasi beberapa tariqat yang menyeleweng daripada fahaman Islam sebenar mengikut garis panduan yang disediakan oleh pihak JMKN NS. Program berakhir pada jam 12:00 tengahari.

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Sumber: Bahagian Fatwa, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.

Berita/Aktiviti : Kursus Amali Kiblat

1 BEHRANG, 5 September - Satu Kursus Amali Kiblat: Teori dan Praktikal anjuran bersama Institut Tanah Dan Ukur Negara (INSTUN), Behrang dan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah berakhir dengan jayanya semalam. Ia diadakan pada 2 hingga 4 September 2020 bermula Rabu hingga Jumaat. Kursus tersebut melibatkan seramai 25 orang peserta yang majoritinya terdiri daripada ahli Persatuan Peminat Ilmu Falak Islam Perak (PPIFIP) dan persendirian. Kursus 3 hari 2 malam ini melibatkan 3 orang penceramah utama terdiri dari pegawai INSTUN dan juga pegawai Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak iaitu En. Mahruzaman Bin Misran, En. Fazili Anuar Bin Md Yusuf dan pegawai falak Jabatan Mufti S.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani.

"Pada hari pertama sesi teori dimulakan dengan tajuk Ilmu Falak Dan Perkembangannya yang disampaikan oleh En. Mahruzaman dengan peserta didedahkan dengan pengenalan ilmu falak secara umum. Sesi seterusnya adalah berkaitan dengan Teori Arah Kiblat : Perbandingan Kaedah Konvensional dan Moden Dalam Penentuan Arah Kiblat. Pada sesi ini para peserta didedahkan pula dengan ilmu dan kaedah penentuan arah kiblat tradisional dan moden.

Pada hari terakhir para peserta dikehendaki menyelesaikan tugasan latihan arah kiblat secara individu sebagai ujian kendiri tanda kefahaman berkaitan dengan ilmu pengukuran arah kiblat. Kursus ini telah berakhir dengan majlis penutup yang telah dirasmikan oleh pengarah INSTUN YBhg. Puan Norehan Binti Omar.

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Sumber: Bahagian Falak, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.

Keratan Akhbar : Keadaan Mufti Perak makin pulih

1 IPOH, 3 September - Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria yang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) di Hospital Pakar KPJ Ipoh, kini semakin pulih dan sudah dipindahkan ke wad biasa. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Agama Islam dan Penerangan negeri, Mohd Akmal Kamarudin, perkembangan terkini itu dimaklumkan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak. Katanya, Harussani kini sedang dipantau rapi oleh Pakar Perubatan dan Neurologi hospital pakar berkenaan, Datuk Dr Zakaria Abdul Kadir.

"Keadaannya semakin bertambah baik dan beliau sudah boleh tindak balas serta faham apa yang kita cakap, tetapi masih belum mampu berinteraksi balik dengan kita. "Sebelah bahagian badannya sudah boleh digerakkan, beliau dipindahkan ke wad biasa beberapa hari lalu," katanya kepada media selepas merasmikan Seminar Pematuhan Halal Negeri Perak 2020, di Dewan Saidina Omar Institut Tadbiran Islam Perak (INTIM), di sini hari ini.

Mohd Akmal berkata, lawatan atau ziarah sudah dibenarkan namun perlu mengikut Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) yang ditetapkan oleh pihak hospital. "Jangkaan bila Mufti boleh daftar keluar dari hospital masih belum diketahui, sudah boleh melawat (Mufti) tetapi kena patuh SOP dan kalau boleh bagi peluang kepada Mufti untuk rehat secukupnya," katanya. Sebelum ini NSTP melaporkan, Harussani dimasukkan ke wad sebuah hospital swasta di Ipoh, Perak, selepas mengalami serangan angin ahmar 23 Ogos lalu. Keadaan Harussani sebelum ini lemah pada bahagian badan sebelah kanan dan mengalami kesukaran untuk bercakap.

Sumber: Keratan Akhbar Berita Harian Online| Khamis, 3 September 2020 | 2:53pm


Team Building Training Program

tb TASIK BANDING, 7-8 September 2019 - The Team Building Training Program runs for two days from September 7-8, 2019. This program is an annual program and for the first time in Perak Mufti Department aims to foster better relationships between staff and department officials. It was held at the Royal Belum, Tasik Banding.

The program is run by two facilitators from Aro Communications Madam Haryanni binti Abdul Razak bin Harun and Osman. The program began with prayers at 12.30 pm by Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam bin Ahmad Tarmizdi. It was followed by a welcoming speech of SS Haji Zamri bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak and introductory sessions with the facilitator before the program continued with a banquet tengahri. The program continues with group activities organized by the facilitators. After Asr prayer, the activities continued with a visit to Kampung Orang Asli at 5.00pm. About 25 officers and staff to take a boat to the Kampung Orang Asli, which took in 20 minutes from the Boathouse. This provides an opportunity for employees of the department to recognize indigenous ways of life around the lake. In the evening, there was a prayer of the Maghrib congregation and a Maghrib Lecture by SS Tuan Haji Zamri bin Hashim.

The next day, the morning prayer in congregation and attended college at dawn by Ustaz Norhafizi b. Ahmad Rais, Assistant Fatwa Officer of the Perak State Mufti Department. Afterwards, continue with group activities on the Boat House, heading to the area for Jungle Tracking. At 10:30, arrive at Royal Belum State Park for Jungle Tracking. The activity takes about 30 minutes to reach the destination. Staff and officers relax by the river before heading back to the Boat House. This gives the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent Royal Belum. At 3.00pm, closing activity was held over the Boat House while returning to the pier heading back to Ipoh.

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Source: Administration Division, Perak Mufti Department.

Protection Security Inspectorate

cgso IPOH, 10 - 11 SEPTEMBER - Protection Security Inspectorate lasted for two days in the Perak State Mufti Department. This safety inspectorate program is the first inspectorate in the Perak State Mufti Department

The inspectorate program was attended by 4 officers and officers consisting of Mr Haji Norazmi Bin Haji Abdullah, Perak State Security Director, Mr Mohd Nasran bin Mohd Noh, Mr Mohd Syakirin bin Ismail and Mrs. Amira Bint Aziz Seliman.

This program has been going on for two days to make sure everything goes smoothly. Protection Security Inspectorate was held at 8.45 am and ended at 5.30 pm. In addition to the review and discussion of on-site visits in the relevant unit sections, it was done according to the criteria set.

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Source: Administration Division, Perak Mufti Department.

Ar-Ridzuan Personage Award in conjunction with the Maal Hijrah Celebration 1439

LUMUT, 23 SEPTEMBER 2017- Mufti of Perak Darul Ridzuan, S.S. Tan Sri Dato 'Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria received the Tokoh Ar-Ridzuan award in conjunction with the Perak Maal Hijrah 1439H / 2017M Celebration at Dewan Shariff, Pangkalan TLDM Lumut yesterday.

The selection of Tan Sri Harussani, 78, as the recipient of this award is based on his great contribution to Islamic development in the state of Perak.

Tan Sri considers this grace as a test of God to see the extent of his faith as a true Muslim, whether to be boasted or vice versa. He asserted that he would continue to adhere to the principle of saying true even bitter. "I stick to the principle of saying true even though bitter and this thing I use to reprimand leaders to make sure the country's administration goes smoothly."

"Tell the truth even if it's bitter because the true god will help. Give the truth to the fact that this country can be developed as a superior Islamic state," he said. Tan Sri received RM10,000 cash, umrah packages, medals, certificates, plaques and accompanist gifts.

Also awards were former state Syariah Chief Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf. He has received the Tokoh Maal Hijrah award for his contributions and services in Islamic jurisprudence in the State of Perak.

All awards at the Maal Hijrah 1439H / 2017M Celebration were presented by His Majesty the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah.

Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.

Perak State Archives Briefing

IPOH, 6 SEPTEMBER 2017 - A Perak State Archives Briefing on Destruction of Accounting and Accounting Record Perak State Mufti was successfully held yesterday. It is located in the Department Meeting Room. The briefing is aimed at providing explanations on the revocation of financial vouchers to officers and staff from the Administration and Finance Division.

The accusation was presented by Ms Shahida, a special officer invited from the Perak State Archives. Officers and employees of the department who are directly involved are Department of Records Officer, Ms. Rafidah Binti Mohamed Daud and Vice Records Department, Mr. Azizi Bin Ismail.

Among the other staff involved are Pn. Salmah Binti Mohd. Jidi, En. Ahmad Faiz Bin Abdul Latiff, Pn. Mahanom Binti Mior Arbi and Pn. Mariam Binti Mohamed Abdullah. The briefing begins at 3.00 pm and ends around 4.30 pm.

Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.

An explanation of Replication Issues


As a department which is entrusted to provide advice and guidance to the government and society, one guidance and counsel is required by the state local governments and not related to the other states has been proposed to the Perak Mufti Department for building a replication of an animal in a new placements where applicable.


Since it is still in the proposal, my advise is stop to build a replica of the animal completely based on the related authentic traditions because the statue allowed in Islam is for children's toys or for educational purposes. Even if the proposal would be forwarded, it should be built not by its nature perfectly.

The issue is actually about the local matters in Perak and there is no connection with the eagle replica in Langkawi or even national monument but this issue has been used by the famous media which is prejudices to Islam and their agencies misrepresenting and diverting from the real issue. There is no issue to demolish the monument because it is under each state authorities.

My opinion, if the existing monuments is not planned to be demolish, it is still under the duty of the authorities to ensure that the acts that lead to polytheism does not happen and no longer to build the perfect animal replicas - . In accordance with the requirements of the existing nas, Qaeda sad az zar'iah recommendations and if any discussion among the scholars about it, the exit of the mistake is preferable that no longer building replicas or even idolatry in a country where Islam as the religion of the country.

Hj Zamri Hashim
Deputy Mufti of Perak

Source: Maktabah Department, Perak Mufti Department.

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