BAGAN DATUK, PERAK - 11 NOVEMBER 2019: Mufti Talk Program of Maulidur Rasul Bagan Datuk District 1441H ended successfully yesterday. The program begins as early as 8.00 am and ends at 1.00pm at the Dato 'Haji Abdullah Multipurpose Hall, Hutan Melintang. |
PThe program opens by welcoming the arrival of Department Chiefs and invited guests and continues for breakfast. It was followed by a welcome speech by the Chairman of the Council and the next of kin greeted the Prophet from 9.00am. A total of 500 participants participated in the program.
At 9.30am program was held in which members of the panel consisted of S.S. Dato; Hj. Asad Bin Awang, S.S Prof. Dr. Jamil Bin Hashim and S.S. Ust. Hj. Shuaib Bin Din. Meanwhile, moderators of this talk program were successfully led by A.F Ust. Shamsul Baharin Bin Hashim.
The highlight of the question-and-answer session began at 11.30am and was very welcoming. The closing ceremony of the Bagan Datuk District Officer was held at 12.30pm followed by the presentation of goodies to Panel Members and Moderators. All participants enjoyed a meal before the break.
Source: Fatwa Division, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, PERAK - 11 OKTOBER 2019: Program Liqa’ Mahabbah Jabatan-jabatan Mufti Semalaysia telah berakhir dengan jayanya semalam. Program dwi-tahunan ini merupakan program pertandingan sukan permainan luaran dan dalaman yang melibatkan pegawai dan kakitangan jabatan-jabatan mufti semalaysia. Negeri Perak terpilih sebagai tuan rumah untuk edisi kali ini. Pada kali ini juga program ini telah dilebarkan penyertaannya di seluruh Malaysia. |
Terdapat 6 jenis sukan permainan yang dipertandingkan sepanjang 3 hari program ini iaitu badminton, futsal, ping pong, congkak, karom dan boling. Turut dipertandingkan ialah acara perbarisan kontinjen terbaik. Program membuka tirai pada pagi Jumaat lalu melalui acara pembukaan yang telah dirasmikan oleh S.S. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr) Haji Harusani Bin Haji Zakaria mufti Negeri Perak . Ia diikuti dengan acara ping pong, congkak dan karom pada hari tersebut. Program bersambung dengan acara bowling pada malam tersebut dan diikuti acara badminton pada keesokkan harinya. Pada hari ahad pagi disambung dengan acara futsal dan juga majlis penutup pada petangnya. Buat julung-julung kalinya program Liqa’ Mahabbah mengadakan ceramah bersama Mufti-mufti seluruh Malaysia yang diadaakan disekitar masjid Ipoh Perak. Tajuk yang dianjurkan bersama Mufti-mufti ialah ‘’Membina Kesepaduan Ummah”.
Juara keseluruhan telah disandang oleh Negeri Perlis yang telah merangkul 3 pingat emas dalam acara badminton,karom dan juga futsal manakala acara congkak mendapat pingat perak dalam acara tersebut. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak telah menyandang tempat ketiga keseluruhan dan menangi 1 pingat emas dalam acara bowling lelaki diikuti dengan 1 pingat perak dalam acara badminton dan tidak lupa juga 2 pingat gangsa dalam acara congkak dan juga bowling wanita. Negeri Terengganu telah mendapat kontinjen terbaik dan juga menyandang tempat kedua dalam keseluruhan. Program Liqa’ Mahabbah pada tahun ini amat sengit kerana melibatkan seluruh jabatan mufti di Malaysia . Tahniah diucapkan kepada juara pada kali ini dan syabas kepada negeri Perak telah berjaya melancarkan program Liqa’ Mahabbah jabatan-jabatan mufti semalaysia pada tahun 2019 dengan jayanya! Semoga berjumpa kita pada tahun 2022
Sumber: Bahagian Pentadbiran, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.
TASIK BANDING, 7-8 September 2019 - The Team Building Training Program runs for two days from September 7-8, 2019. This program is an annual program and for the first time in Perak Mufti Department aims to foster better relationships between staff and department officials. It was held at the Royal Belum, Tasik Banding. |
The program is run by two facilitators from Aro Communications Madam Haryanni binti Abdul Razak bin Harun and Osman. The program began with prayers at 12.30 pm by Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam bin Ahmad Tarmizdi. It was followed by a welcoming speech of SS Haji Zamri bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak and introductory sessions with the facilitator before the program continued with a banquet tengahri. The program continues with group activities organized by the facilitators. After Asr prayer, the activities continued with a visit to Kampung Orang Asli at 5.00pm. About 25 officers and staff to take a boat to the Kampung Orang Asli, which took in 20 minutes from the Boathouse. This provides an opportunity for employees of the department to recognize indigenous ways of life around the lake. In the evening, there was a prayer of the Maghrib congregation and a Maghrib Lecture by SS Tuan Haji Zamri bin Hashim.
The next day, the morning prayer in congregation and attended college at dawn by Ustaz Norhafizi b. Ahmad Rais, Assistant Fatwa Officer of the Perak State Mufti Department. Afterwards, continue with group activities on the Boat House, heading to the area for Jungle Tracking. At 10:30, arrive at Royal Belum State Park for Jungle Tracking. The activity takes about 30 minutes to reach the destination. Staff and officers relax by the river before heading back to the Boat House. This gives the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent Royal Belum. At 3.00pm, closing activity was held over the Boat House while returning to the pier heading back to Ipoh.
Source: Administration Division, Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, 10 - 11 SEPTEMBER - Protection Security Inspectorate lasted for two days in the Perak State Mufti Department. This safety inspectorate program is the first inspectorate in the Perak State Mufti Department |
The inspectorate program was attended by 4 officers and officers consisting of Mr Haji Norazmi Bin Haji Abdullah, Perak State Security Director, Mr Mohd Nasran bin Mohd Noh, Mr Mohd Syakirin bin Ismail and Mrs. Amira Bint Aziz Seliman.
This program has been going on for two days to make sure everything goes smoothly. Protection Security Inspectorate was held at 8.45 am and ended at 5.30 pm. In addition to the review and discussion of on-site visits in the relevant unit sections, it was done according to the criteria set.
Source: Administration Division, Perak Mufti Department.
SEGARI, 2 August 2019 – Rukyah Hilal Zulhijjah Program 1440H has been successfully implemented yesterday. This program is the annual program of the Perak State Mufti Department which aims to set the 1st Zulhijjah each Hijri year and the next Hari Raya Aidiladha which is 10 Zulhijjah. It was held in Baitul Hilal, Pasir Panjang Beach, Pengkalan Bharu District, Segari. |
Among the guests of honor were the Y.A.A. Dato 'Haji Asa'ari Bin Haji Mohd Yazid, Chief Syariah Judge of the Perak Syariah Judicial Department, Perak State Chiefs and Perak District Downstream Officers. The program begins with a tahlil reading at 6.00 pm. The tahlil reading was led by S.S. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy State Mufti of Perak. This was followed by a briefing on Hilal Zulhijjah's position presented by S.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani, Tax Officer, Perak State Mufti Department.
The program continued with a hilarious rukyah activity which saw the moon at 6.50pm. About 300 attendees took the opportunity to see the moon using a telescope provided by the beach. At 7.53 pm S.S. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim has announced that Zulhijjah's moon or moon is not visible at Pasir Panjang Beach, Pengkalan Bharu district. However the Great Sealers have announced that the 1st of Zulhijjah will be on Friday, August 2, 2019 based on reports of rukyah hilal elsewhere in the country. The program concludes with a supper after the obligatory Maghrib prayer.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.
KUALA KANGSAR - 24 & 25 July 2019 (Wed - Thu). Perak Conference and Tafaquh Falak was held at the Multipurpose Hall of the University of Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS). The seminar program is jointly organized by Chenderoh Community College, the Mufti of Perak, and Masjid Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS), Kuala Kangsar |
Opening Ceremony was officiated by Tan Sri Dato 'Dr. Nordin bin Cardardi, Vice-Chancellor of USAS on July 24, 2019 at 9.30am. The next seminar astronomy program which began at 10.30am. Several presentation sessions were presented by invitations such as S.F. Dr. Haji Mohd Fahmi bin Abdul Khir, the Perak State Treasurer of the Perak presented the title 'Understanding the Universe through the Greatness of the Quran', followed by a presentation from Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Halim bin Abdul Aziz, JAKIM's Fascist Panel, with the title 'Solving Viral Issues: Between Facts and Opinions' and the last speaker was S.F. Ustaz Haji Hanafiah bin Abdul Razak, JAKIM's Fellow Panel of Experts, titled 'Searching for the Essence of Astrology in Islamic History.
After the luncheon and zohor prayers, the event continued with a briefing and questioning session beginning at 2.30pm and the exhibition running from 8.30am to 4.30pm on the first day. On the second day (25.7.2019 - Thursday) the program Tafaquh Falak: The Study of Sabil al-Muhtadin Bible Study by S.F. Ustaz Haji Hanafiah bin Abdul Razak, JAKIM's Expert Panel from 8.30am to 12.30pm and dispersal. The paper can be downloaded on this site at the following link: Tafaquh Falak Working Paper 2019
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.
SERDANG - 23-25 Jun 2019 (Ahad - Selasa). Kursus Kejurulatihan Kepimpinan Al-Fatih peringkat Negeri Perak diuruskendali oleh Yayasan Ammar Al-Fatih dengan kerjasama Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak dan Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Perak telah diadakan di UPM Serdang & Rubinga Heritage, MAEPS. Seramai 22 orang pelajar dari Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) telah terpilih untuk menjayakan kursus ini. |
Program ini merupakan sebuah program kepimpinan yang menggunakan modul khas, bertujuan melahirkan para Jurulatih dan Fasilitator yang berwawasan dan memandang ke hadapan. Semoga dengan adanya program sebegini, Mahasiswa Islam khususnya, dapat membuka mata dan minda untuk lebih mendalami sejarah-sejarah Islam yang dapat dijadikan panduan demi melahirkan seorang pemimpin yang berilmu, beriman dan bertaqwa.
Penerapan ilmu-ilmu kepimpinan melalui acara berkuda, memanah dan pelbagai modul lain yang telah disediakan oleh Yayasan Ammar Al-Fatih diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat kepada generasi muda. Antara aktiviti menarik:- F1 Pit Stop, Risalah an-Nur, Modul Berkuda, Drilis Ertugrul, Reverse Thinking.
Sumber: Bahagian Maktabah, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perak.
NEGERI SEMBILAN - TUESDAY, 25th June 2019. A courtesy call from the Perak Mufti Department headed by Perak State Deputy Mufti Ustaz Zambri bin Hashim and welcomed by Sohibul Fadhilah Ustaz Amran bin Awaludin, Negeri Sembilan Deputy Mufti at 2.30pm. |
This session is intended to attend the briefing of Istitabah process being carried out by the Mufti of Negeri Sembilan. The session was presented by Ustaz Najib bin Jalal from Consultation Division. The program is also continued with other discussion sessions. Hopefully, this visit will enhance the relationship between Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus and the State of Perak Darul Ridzuan in fatwa issues.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.
IJOK - Friday, May 31, 2019. The Friday Prayer Declaration Ceremony at Masjid Toh Paduka Kampung Masjid, Ijok, Selama by Professor Dr. Jamil bin Hashim, Member of the Perak Fatwa Committee. |
The ceremony was delivered to the chairman of the mosque by Professor Dr. Jamil bin Hashim. This decision has been certified by the approval of the President of the Islamic Religious and Islamic Malay Council (MAIPK).
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.
SEGARI, 6 MAY 2019 – The Rukyah Hilal Ramadhan 1440H Council's 2019M event was successfully held yesterday. This program is an annual program of the State Mufti Department which is aimed at establishing the date of fasting, ie at 1 Ramadan every Hijri year. It was held at Baitul Hilal, Pantai Pasir Panjang, Mukim of Pengkalan Bharu, Segari. |
Among those present at the ceremony were the Honorable Dr. Bin Aziz Bari, Perak State Executive Councilors representing the Chief Minister of Perak, Mr. Yahya Bin Mat Nor, the State Assemblyman for Bukit Timah. Y.A.A. Dato 'Haji Asa'ari Bin Haji Mohd Yazid, Chief Syarie Judge, Perak Syariah Judiciary Department, Y.D.H. Toh Seri Bijaya Lt. Col (B) Dato 'Shaharudin Bin Haji Nazari, Manjung Colonies, Great Colonies of the State of Perak and Heads of Departments.
The program started with tahlil reading at 5.25 pm. Tahlil reading led by S.S. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak State. It was followed by a Ramadan threshold talk by YBhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamed Fairooz Bin Abdul Khir, an invited speaker who is also a member of the Perak State Fatwa Committee. Subsequently, Hilal Ramadhan's briefing was presented by S.F. Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Bin Jani, Falak Officer, State Mufti Department. The program continues with activities hilal rukyahthe sighting of the moon at 6.50pm. About 700 attendees took the opportunity to see the moon by using a telescope provided by the coast.
At 7:50 pm S.S. Tuan Zamri Bin Hashim has announced that the new moon or new moon of Ramadan is not visible in Pasir Panjang, Mukim Pengkalan Bharu. However the Keeper of the Rulers has announced that the date of 1 Ramadan is on Monday, May 6, 2019. Therefore, prayers have been executed in tarawikh prayer room available. The program concludes with an evening drink after prayers tarawikh.
Source: Information Resources Unit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.