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Total: 67 results found.

Kursus Penerapan Modul Tarbiah Kepemimpinan Al-Fatih

... jemputan. Antara penceramah yang dijemput untuk kursus ini ialah Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Bin Abdul Rahman dari Union of NGOs Of The Islamic World Gombak, Saudara Jufitri Joha - Presiden Majlis Belia Malaysia ...

Kursus Penerapan Modul Tarbiah Kepemimpinan Al-Fatih Bil.1 / 2019

... (war-games), serta mendengar kuliah dan ceramah oleh pakar. Antara penceramah yang dijemput untuk kursus ini ialah Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Bin Abdul Rahman dari Union of NGOs Of The Islamic World, Gombak, ...

Kursus Penerapan Modul Tarbiah Kepemimpinan Al-Fatih Bil.2 / 2019

... jemputan. Antara penceramah yang dijemput untuk kursus ini ialah Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Bin Abdul Rahman dari Union of NGOs Of The Islamic World Gombak, Tuan Haji Harith Fadzilah Bin Abd Halim, Timbalan ...

Berita Keratan Akhbar: Jangan normalisasikan tindakan bunuh diri

... dibenarkan. Sumber daripada akhbar The Malaysian Insight - 29 Jun 2021 9:54PM seperti di pautan berikut:- https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/bahasa/s/324482?fbclid=IwAR269qx9OoEfij2bZiRYWRdhCmx877qh2yn8DbDyNQoaVaL9f9chCTGzf-o  ...

Kursus Kemahiran Komunikasi Dan Bahasa Badan Persuasif

... Mufti Negeri Perak dikendalikan oleh Dr Syed Faizal Sitheek Rahman dan Dr Syafiqah Nadhirah Binti Iskandar dari Syed Faizal Training & Consultant Bengkel tiga hari ini dihadiri 15 penyelaras ...

5 Star Excellence Award from MDEC

Awards Have Been Achieved by Perak Mufti Department 1. 5 Star Excellence Award from MDEC 2. Certificate of Appreciation from the State Government Perak

Official Statement from Mufti Perak Regarding Dr Zakir Naik Issue

NOTES:- All the articles are available only in Bahasa Melayu format. It is endorsed by the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Malaysian Islamic Religious Affairs and the decision of the ...

Pakaian Solat Bagi Wanita

Latar Belakang Pakaian yang dikenakan oleh seseorang mempunyai nilai di sisi Allah SWT. Allah SWT telah menetapkan kaedah umum dalam berpakaian, yang bertujuan untuk menutup aurat seseorang. Firman Allah ...

Legal Perspective of Vaporizer

NOTES:- All the articles are available only in Bahasa Melayu format. It is endorsed by the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Malaysian Islamic Religious Affairs and the decision of ...

Explanation on Hadith Issue

Recently there were strong talk on a satire insult by certain parties towards the mufti of Perak S.S. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Haji Harussani bin Haji Zakaria . It is a string of his views and comments related ...

A Vibrant Shari'

NOTES:- All the articles are available only in Bahasa Melayu format. It is endorsed by the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Malaysian Islamic Religious Affairs and the decision of ...

Notes Post-Ramadhan

... وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِيْنَ. First and forever be thankful to Allah SWT, because with his permission we can still breathe the air, full enjoyment of Shawwal after Ramadan we pursue freshness, and freshness ...

Falak Division (Astronomy)

(Qiblat / Calendar) MAIN STRATEGY: Strengthening the knowledge of Falak Dynamically as Authority of Reference Among the Community STRATEGY TASK AND RESPONSIBILITIES Strengthening ...

Fatwa Division

Information on Fatwa Division Assisting S.S. Mufti to answer written religious questions, e-mails, walk-ins and telephone questions every day. Hold Ulama Conference at the National level ...

Maktabah Division

... the library department via computer. Help manage the purchasing of books in the library department. Help collect and bind newspaper articles relating to department's news and events. Help manage borrowing ...

Finance & Administrative

Administration - Tasks and Responsibilities Organize and manage things such as service members leave the service, in-service training, courses, service records, leave records, appointment, ...

Server Room Policy (Effective Date : 1/4/2016)

Purpose This policy was created to establish rules and procedures for access to the server room, the Perak Mufti Department. Scope The Server Room at the Perak Mufti Department is a restricted access ...

eParticipation Policy (Effective Date : 15/4/2016)

The Perak Mufti Department would like to welcome electronic participation of all its users as one of the important factors in the decision-making process, and is pleased to receive your comments and views. ...

Maktabah Policy (Library Room) - Effective Date : 16/4/2015

Purpose This policy was created to establish rules and access procedures for borrowing and returning of Maktabah Reference materials at the Perak Mufti Department. Scope Perak Mufti Department Maktabah ...

Audio - Muzakarah Program 2016 Perak FM

Here is a list of audio for the Muzakarah Program 2016 Perak FM: Part I Part II Part III Part IV

Perak State Public Holiday

(*) Note: Subject to change. Reminder : 1. If a State Public Holiday falls on a weekly rest day, the following day shall be a public holiday and if such following day is already a public holiday, ...

Perak State Public Holidays 2016

The 2016 Public Holidays for the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan are as follows : State Public Holidays 1) New Year 2016 1 January 2016 Friday 2) Thaipusam 24 January 2016 ...

Perak State Public Holidays 2017

The 2016 Public Holidays for the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan are as follows : State Public Holidays 1) New Year 2017 1 January 2017 Sunday 2) Thaipusam 9 February 2017 ...

Perak State Public Holidays 2019

The 2019 Public Holidays for the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan are as follows : Note : (*) Subject to change. Reminder : 1. If a State Public Holiday falls on a weekly rest day, the following day ...

2019 Prayer Time

NOTES:- All the prayer time provided are available only in Bahasa Melayu format. Sorry for the inconvenience. ZONE 1 : Tapah, Slim River & Tanjung Malim ZONE 2 : Ipoh, Batu Gajah, ...

Prayer Time Zone Changes

14 Zulhijjah 1430 H/ 1Disember 2009 M - Starting from 2010, Perak Taqwim Prayer will receive additional zones than 3 zones before. Due to research has been conducted by the Falak Division, Perak Mufti ...

Department Guidelines

Here is a list of guidelines that have been issued officially by the Mufti of Perak.Any questions please write by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled ...

Code of Ethics

1. Repent Regret over past action Determined to improve the quality of work Have the spirit of innovation towards work 2. Khauf (Fear) Elevating self piety Fear of Allah's punishment from ...


Federal Constitution empowers the state governments to administer the Islamic affairs. The division of power between the state governments and the Federal power is in line with religious leaders in the ...

Foreword and Mandate - Mufti of Perak

YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri (DR) Hj. Harussani bin Hj Zakaria Mufti of Perak Darul Ridzuan Perak Mufti Department Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah and blessings for the Prophet Muhammad ...

Client's Charte

We swear with Allah's will to : Issuing fatwa to the public, especially those related to current issues completely and clearly. To produce teachers who are qualified, accredited and meet the specifications ...

Fatwa Committee Members

Fatwa Committee Members In the Islamic Religious Administration Enactment 1992, the establishment of a committee controlled by the Perak Mufti Department called Syariah Committee: "There shall be a ...

Chief Information Officer - CIO

... ICT security requirements; Coordinate and manage the training plan and security awareness programs such as the provision of ICT security policy and risk management and auditing; Responsible for matters ...

(Aqidah Chapter)

1) Is the distribution of “Akidah Benteng Kehidupan” CD, “Selamatkan Zuriat Kita” CD and “Masyarakat Islam Murtad” CD allowed to the public? 1) Is the distribution of “Akidah Benteng Kehidupan” ...

(Faraid, Inheritance, Wakaf and Zakat Chapter)

1) What is the hukum in dividing wakaf land cemetery to general wakaf and cemetery wakaf? 1) What is the hukum in dividing wakaf land cemetery to general wakaf and cemetery wakaf? Land that ...

(Worship Chapter)

... who recently moved to a qaryah be considered as permanent residents for Friday prayers? Are children who travel to obtain knowledge was considered as Friday jemaah? Based on the book Fiqh al-Islami wa ...

(Society Chapter)

1) What is the hukum of using luxury vehicles as funeral vehicle compared to the use of vans like practised in other countries? 1) What is the hukum of using luxury vehicles as funeral vehicle ...

(Mosque & Cemetery Chapter)

1) Are we allowed to build a tahfis quran centre at the basement of the mosque? 1) Are we allowed to build a tahfis quran centre at the basement of the mosque? There are no obstacles in using ...

(Sect Chapter)

1) There are some opinions that a person who practices the 8 rakaat tarawih is not considered tarawih, the real tarawih solat actually is 20 rakaat? 1) There are some opinions that a person ...

(Transactions (Muamalat) Chapter)

1) What is the hukum in joining 'Income Generating Program by Mail’? 1) What is the hukum in joining 'Income Generating Program by Mail’? According to the book of Fiqh & Perundangan Islam by ...

(Munakahat Chapter)

1) A girl was pregnant before marriage. Later, she married a man who got her pregnant or another man. Can the baby be given the 'bin' / 'binti' to the husband? 1) A girl was pregnant before marriage. ...

(Fasting Chapter)

1) The niat of make up (qadha) fasting and 6 days of sunat fasting in Shawal. Can both be combined? 1) The niat of make up (qadha) fasting and 6 days of sunat fasting in Shawal. Can both be ...

(Celebration Chapter)

What is the hukum in playing hari raya songs in public places or at official functions? What is the hukum in playing hari raya songs in public places or at official functions? Originally there ...

(Prayer Chapter)

1) What is the difference between “bermastautin” and “bermuqim”, and what are the conditions to perform the Friday prayers? 1) What is the difference between “bermastautin” and “bermuqim”, ...

(Women Chapter)

1) Can a woman who is menstruating more than 15 days fast and perform the solat? 1) Can a woman who is menstruating more than 15 days fast and perform the solat? It is wajib to perform the ...


** Official Statement No. 16/2019: : The urge for Muslims to read the Qunut is every obligatory prayer for Uighur Muslims ** Official Statement No. 15/2019: Eclipses and Eclipse Prayers ...

check qiblah

LET'S CHECK Qiblah On May 28, 2019M equivalent to 23 Ramadan 1440H, we have the opportunity to review the direction of the Qiblah. This is because at that date will happen istiwa A'dzam. This method ...

Security Policy

Data Protection The latest technology including data encryption is used to protect data and adherence to strict security standards are maintained to prevent unauthorised access. Storage Safety All electronic ...