Teluk Intan, 30 August 2016 - Program Executive Talk 'Perak Mufti Department No.2 / 2016 has been accomplished smoothly yesterday. It is the official program organized by the Perak Mufti Department held 2 to 3 times per year. At this time the program is organized in collaboration with District Islamic Religious Office Teluk Intan and Hilir Perak District Education Office. The venue chosen for this program, which was the second time this year is the Town Hall Teluk Intan. |
Organizers have invited S.F. Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak to deliver the first presentation titled; 'Challenges for Muslims in the Present'. He emphasized the need for Muslims to be careful with the threats of modern thought such as liberalism and pluralism that threatens the integrity of Islam.
After that, the program continued with a presentation by S.F. Prof. Dr. Jamil Bin Hashim, Perak Fatwa Committee member who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah. At this time he presented the title; 'The role of the Asatizah Challenges Facing Ummah'. He said asatizah which the teachers of Islamic religious plays a very important role in the defense of Islam in the face of various challenges and threats.
Approximately 500 participants for this program is made up of teachers of Islamic Education (GPI), the religious teachers and representatives of government departments. The program began around 9.00 am and ended at 12.30 pm after a dialogue session where participants were given the spaceto ask questions and views to the presenters.
Source: Resource CenterUnit, Maktabah Division, Perak Mufti Department.
KUALA TERENGGANU, 15 August 2016 – The Perak Mufti Department together with the Terengganu Mufti Department has organized a collaborative program namely Liqa 'Mahabbah between the two departments. The program, the first ever held been convened here starting on Friday, August 12 to Sunday, August 14, 2016 with the participation of 45 members of the delegation of the Perak Mufti Department of Perak, including officers, and staff of the department as well as the members of the State Fatwa Committee Perak went to Kuala Terengganu. |
The delegation, boarded a bus and three cars departed from Perak State Mufti Department around 9:30 am and stop at Kem Sri Appeals for lunch and Friday prayers at the surau of Kem749. Lunch was sponsored by the soldiers. The trip continued and safely arrived at the Hotel Grand Princess at 8.00 pm, followed by dinner.
The following morning program continued with a visit to the Desa Murni Batik and Payang Market. In the evening, was held a forum at the Crystal Mosque, Kuala Terengganu. Members of the forum panel consisted of Y.Bhg. SS Tan Sri Dato 'Seri Hj. Harussani bin Hj. Zakaria, the Perak State Mufti, Y. Bhg. Tuan Haji Zamri bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak, and SF Ustaz Mohd Zaki Bin Mat Yakim of State Mufti Department as moderator. After the forum ended, the whole delegation of Perak were treated to a special dinner. Then the hosts took the delegation to the Islamic Civilisation Park with tram before back to the hotel.
On Sunday, friendly welcoming session with among the officers and staff of the two departments was held at the Terengganu State Mufti Department. Both of the mufti representing their departments was invited to deliver a short briefing on introducing the officers and staff, before discussing several issues and matters related to Islamic matters in the country. After the session done, the delegation of Perak departed and safely arrived in Ipoh about 11.00pm. The Perak Mufti hope this kind of cooperation program will be forwarded in the future to establish and strengthen relationship between the Islamic institutions.
KUALA KANGSAR, 3 OGOS 2016 – Satu Bengkel Kewajipan Zakat Perniagaan Ke Atas Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC) Negeri Perak telah diadakan di bilik mesyuarat Masjid Ridzuwaniah, Kuala Kangsar. Bengkel yang bermula pada jam 9 pagi sehingga 4 petang itu adalah rentetan dari permintaan oleh Ahli-ahli Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak yang memohon agar isu ini dibincangkan dan dibuat kajian terperinci oleh Jawatankuasa Kajian dan Penyelidikan sebelum dibincangkan semula di mesyuarat tersebut untuk mendapatkan keputusan sama ada perlu atau tidak mewajibkan zakat perniagaan ke atas syarikat atau entiti perniagaan yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan (GLC).
Bengkel bermula pada sebelah paginya dengan pembentangan berkaitan kategori-kategori syarikat atau entiti perniagaan oleh En. Ariff Bin Apandi, Pengurus Besar Bahagian Kewangan, Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Negeri Perak (MAIPk). Setelah itu, bengkel diteruskan pada sebelah petang dengan sesi perbincangan oleh ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kajian dan Penyelidikan. Turut hadir ke bengkel tersebut ialah Tuan Haji Zamri Bin Hashim, Timbalan Mufti Negeri Perak. Bengkel tersebut berakhir sekitar jam 4 petang selepas kajian selesai dan perbincangan berkaitan isu ini mendapat kata putus oleh ahli-ahli yang terlibat.
SEGARI, 5 JUN 2016 – Hilal Ramadhan 1437H observation program organized by the Perak Mufti Department at Baitul Hilal, Pantai Pasir Panjang. This program is an annual program for meet the demands of the religious which set the start of Ramadhan fasting is to observe at the new moon. |
Approximately 500 guests attended this ceremony. Among those present was the Honourable Tuan Asa'ari Bin Hj. Mohd Yazid, Chief Syarie Judge and Chairman of the Perak Syariah Judicial Department, YDH Toh Seri Bijaya Lt. Col. (B) Dato 'Hj Shaharudin bin Haji Nazari, Orang Besar District Manjung, YDH Paduka Setia Dato’ Ir. Dr. Safry Kamal Bin Hj. Ahmad, Orang Besar District Mu'allim, Slim River, YDH Toh Muda Orang Kaya Kaya Seri Adika Raja Shahbandar Muda, Encik Meor Roslan Bin Dato’ Seri Hj. Meor Ahmad Rashidi, Orang Besar District Hulu Perak, and also SS Mufti of Perak Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Hj. Harussani Bin Hj. Zakaria as Chairman of Rukyah Hilal Ramadan 1437H Committee. |
The program began with reading the tahlil led by SS Tuan Hj. Zamri Bin Hashim, Deputy Mufti of Perak, followed by Ceramah Ramadhan delivered by Ustaz As'ad bin Awang as a guest speaker and he is a member of the Perak Fatwa Committee. The next agenda is a briefing new moon of Ramadhan delivered by Head of the Astronomy Division of the Perak State Mufti Department Ustaz Mohd Faizal Bin Jani. |
The observation of the new moon starting at 7.00 pm. After doing rukyah, Perak Mufti Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Hj. Harussani Bin Hj. Zakaria recorded visibility of the new moon reported to the Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja around 7.45pm via mobile phones has been provided by Telekom Malaysia (TM). This year new moon of Ramadhan was invisible. Then Tan Sri Mufti announced that the the new moon is not visible through the speakers supplied. Maghrib prayers performed together with the guests, followed by dinner. |
Upon completion of the announcement of the Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja, which may be the start of Ramadhan on June 6, 2016, the program continued with Solat Isyak and Solat Sunat Terawih. Solat Sunat Terawih are conducted by 20 rakaat as recommendations Sultan of Perak. |
The session ended with a late night drink provided by the organizers after Solat Sunat Terawih. Perak Mufti Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr Haji Harussani bin Haji Zakaria is very satisfied with the presence of guests and the smooth running of this event and hope that this performance can be maintained and even enhanced in the future. |
Sumber: Unit Pusat Sumber, Bahagian Maktabah JMNPK.
IPOH, May 11, 2016 – Perak Mufti Department has arranged for their first meeting among the staff and officers for this year. The meeting has been held at Majlis Agama Islam Perak Conference Room, Level 5, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan. This meeting aims to discuss the problems and solutions related the department and sharing insights to enhanced department for excellence. As well as the obligations on the role of each employee for making safety and enjoyful environment.
After breakfast, the program began with the mandate of the Mufti of Perak, who is also head of the department that is SS Tan Sri Dato' Seri (Dr.) Hj. Harussani Bin Hj. Zakaria. A variety of experience has been shared dealing specifically with his career from early adolescence until now. |
The program continued with an interaction session along Tan Sri Mufti, Senior Officers and all employees of the department. A variety of inquiry and questions have been raised to Tan Sri Mufti and has received good response from him. One of the officer Puan Fatimah Binti Ayob has been advising and warning to all members of the department able to reflect and change for the better as well as to reflect a good image in accordance with the good name of department.
After that, the officers and staff have signed the Official Secrets Act 1972 for the 2016 in front of Tan Sri Mufti. All the documents were signed by the officers and staff then taken to Tan Sri Mufti to be confirmed officially.
The session ended with the presentation of souvenirs to the staff who will be transferred to another department on May 16, Mr.. Azizan Bin Mokhtar. He will turn to the Division of Management Services, Perak Islamic Religious Department. The next presentation of souvenirs to officers and staff whose birthday in April, May and June, Pn. Pahiyah Binti Idarmawi, En. Zainuddin Bin Muhammad, En. Azwawi Bin Abdul Aziz and Tan Sri Mufti himself. Also celebrated is the staff who have just given birth that is couple Mr. Azwawi Bin Abdul Aziz and Pn. Nurul Asma Bint Ramly.
The meeting ran smoothly and was very lively. It ended with a luncheon prepared by the administration department. |
Source: Maktabah Division of Perak Mufti Department.
IPOH, APRIL 24, 2016 – Examination Perak State Religious Teaching Credentials for the year 2016 has been ended successfully today. This annually examination program of collaboration between Perak Mufti Department with Islamic Religious Council and Malay Customs Perak was held for 2 days from 23rd to 24th April 2016 at Al-Ghazali Hall, Level 2 Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan. This examination consists of 7 subjects including Hadith, Fiqh, Tawheed, Sufism, Sirah Nabawi, Tafsir, and new subject, namely Trends Current Thought. There are 144 new candidates applying to sit for this written examination while 122 are repeat candidates for various subjects. |
According to Chief Supervisory of the examination, A.F. Ustaz Ahmad Khairul Nizam Bin Ahmad Tarmizdi, he was satisfied with the examination. He said, "alhamdulillah, this examination went smoothly without any controversies impersonation and delays." He also expressed his appreciation and thanks to all the 9 supervisors who helped. He added; "Without the cooperation and commitment of the supervisors, this examination may not be going well."
A total of 4 subjects exams held on Saturdays from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, while 3 more subjects continued at the next day. More than 80 percent of new candidates were present occupying the entire subject of examination. |
Source: Maktabah Division of Perak Mufti Department.
SEGARI, April 8, 2016 - Falak Division of the Perak Mufti Department, has been visited by the students from Sek. Men. Tahfiz Islam Al-Amin, Chenderong Balai, Teluk Intan and Sekolah Maahad Al-Yahyawiyah, Padang Rengas, Kuala Kangsar to participate in the observation session of the new moonof Rejab 1437H in Baitulhilal, Pasir Panjang, Segari. |
The program commencedwith a briefing regarding determination the beginning of the Hijri and Hilal delivered by Ustaz Mohamad Faizal Officer of Falak Division,Perak Mufti Department. The briefing session was to give an opportunities for students and accompanying teachers learn about the methods or procedures for determining the beginning of Hijri. Question and answering session also been received very encouraging. In fact, students are also given the opportunity to use special equipment during the sighting of the Hilal.
"We have brought some equipment such as Orion Telescope, camera, NEX-3N, Celestron C90 Telescope, Topcon theodolite and Topcon Total station. In addition, we have the cooperation of an officer from the National Institute of Land and Survey (INSTUN), Mr. Mahruzzaman b Misran which also brought some equipment to this Hilal observationsession, "said Ustazah Fatimah bt Ayoub Assistant Officer of Falak Division.
Observation session begins at 7.00 pm with a relatively sunny weather and a bit cloudy. However, when the sun began to set, the clouds had obscured the sun. Nevertheless, students and teachers are very excited to have the opportunity to use the equipment that have been provided. All attendees had the opportunity to see the moon of Rejab which is starting to look at 7:42 pm at the 8 ° 28 '13' 'and the azimuth of 278 ° 47' 26 '' by using a 120mm Orion Telescope and Celestron C90 Telescope.
After Maghrib, the program continued with a session of sky observations with a telescope. The students and teachers once again have the opportunity to see the natural beauty of Allah's creation when the Jupiter planet are visible in the sky toward the east. "We are very excited and hope this kind of activities will be held to promote astronomy among the community," said one of the teachers.
The activities were attended by approximately 50 students and accompanying teachers ended at 10.00 pm and they are very satisfied with this Hilal observation session.
Hilal observation session with Officers and Students |
Hilal of Rejab 1437H recorded at 7:54 pm.
Some of students and teachers who attended this observation program.
Source: Maktabah Division of Perak Mufti Department.